Speak Your Heart – Listeners Will Listen

Hello Friends,  I have recently discovered what I consider to be the perfect artist.  Perfect, maybe because she doesn’t confuse me- because each of her pieces is deeply personal and relatable with its aesthetic simplicity and raw emotional complexity.  It is not only  “fun” but moving; igniting my neeeeeeed for creative self-expression that connects, soothes, and stirs others, as well as myself, to better, more emotionally honest living.  You can click on any of the text to see Mari Andrew’s complete brilliant collection@ http://bymariandrew.com

Some of my personal favorites:  Thank you  Mari Andrew, for gracing my tiny world!  Just for today, it feels a lil less tiny.  Your willingness to totally own yourself speaks volumes to those of us who have been asked not to—and listened.  xo







Much Love,
Magda Gee

For shorter, more frequent and fun posts, connect with me on Instagram- wholesomebadass https://www.instagram.com/wholesomebadass/