Recovery has taught me that I must be flexible with my approach or method but not with my needs and principles(which are static-not dynamic). When…
Without spiritual recovery, I would still be trying to MAKE people, places and things be different from how they are. Irresponsible, childish, and damaging; attempting to be…
We are not at fault, crazy, or wrong. We have a right to set boundaries and to insist on appropriate treatment. We can separate another’s…
In our family, we have each been struggling with near constant unmet needs, and so we gathered around our lil table and are in agreement; we must…
Just before relocating to this coast, I was graced with one uniquely precious relationship which offered my rebirth into MY world. This man, whom we shall call Pete, was…
Me to S1, who is losing his shit over irritating behavior of S2: S1, Is it possible you are over re-acting? S2 is being insensitive,…
I have observed with my sister, my ex, my mother copious apologizing for circumstances, like a messy home, burnt meat, running late due to traffic, or forgetting…
Instead of focusing on the most recent rejection by my mother, I will take one small action to creatively claim my living space. This image appeared…
How my day began: S2 enters my room to ask me if I am awake. Me: Good morning baby. Did your brother wake you up?…
I simply cannot find the words to describe all the ways in which Jiu Jitsu meets our family’s needs at sensory, spiritual, and social levels.…