So, I find it important to note that in my obsessvie reading and information seeking re: narcissitic abuse, or really any kind of trauma, the…
In sharing the ugliest parts of my experience, I exercise my gift to make others feel seen. For those who have not found the words or…
So based on my boys’ father’s recent behavior/mood, I assumed he either had managed to wrangle some female attention from someone other than his sisters or…
September 11….What a heartbreak of a day. Immeasurable loss, fear and grief. I recall watching the news, alone, in tears, from my home in CA, as I…
While I absolutely do not want another Pandemic shut down, I do experience some smug schadenfreude feelings about what THE SHUT DOWN does to narcissistic…
There was not a single moment with family or my husband type person- the person who went after all my shit–with endorsements by my female…
I feel constantly curious as to what my sister could have communicated to THE family to make them ALL (but three) literally ghost me. I was…
I obssess reflect regularly on how my reactions to trauma: insecurity, shame, and depression were treated harshly, by the people on whom I counted most.…
Artificial Indifference—Finally, a word to name the thing which was sought, feigned, and revered, in my family and then an equally fucked up marriage. I…
If I choose to confront something currenlty taking place, which I percieve as worthy of addressing– and a person attempts to shut me down or…