My older son loves loves loves mountain bike riding (introduced to him and supported consistently by Sweet Greg for more than 5 years). He has…
Me: Pulls into second of two gas tanks at Costco. Gets out of car and walks to pump as car at first tank pulls away. Lady Woman behind me…
My recognition of my own trauma helps me to see how my reactions served well as proof of insanity and lack of credibility–for those who…
Me tooooo. Not necessarily like hashtag me too but “me also” and maybe sometimes #metoo. Since I no longer attend live face to face 12…
Since my ears react adversely to even the highest grade metals, on contact…like immediately, I had altogether stopped wearing earrings, for years– but suddenly I…
Nothing broke me down more than my own believing of wrong beliefs, issued to me by those I counted on to teach and raise me…
Without religion, spirituality, or even first hand experience, my Sweet Greg demonstrates wizardry level acceptance and unconditional love. He never expects or demands that I show…
There have been no times when I have felt more bored and lonely than when I am trying to fit in. Being with people who are…
Trying to not feel hot, cold, anxious, or hungry since nobody else is and it is clearly the wrong way to feel. Trying to be like…
After reading and rereading Anne Lamott’s most recent treasure: Dusk, Night, Dawn, I feel almost close to being able to fully and deeply breathe. Engaging…