Problem v. Unpleasant Fact

Tonight, my sons and I saw the movie Sing, so wholesome and fun(ish)-  the film, and going to the movies for the first time ever with my two boys.  For several reasons, we do not frequent the movies.  Even with extreme noise reduction earmuffs, it felt impossibly loud to me…and it was like a meat locker in the theatre.  If not for my sons and our special event with snacks, I would’ve walked out and waited for the dvd.  The seats were plush recliners and there were only 6 others in the theatre.  Dreamy, right? Two of those six attendees were very active and distracting for someone like myself.  I became so keenly focused on the difference between a problem and an unpleasant fact.  I was cold–there was no solution, considering leaving was not an option–Unpleasant fact, must accept.  It was too loud for me, unpleasant fact.  The two active kids whose presence competed with the volume and chill of the theatre–difficult facts–Acceptance acceptance acceptance.  Before program, I regarded anyone or anything vexing as a problem to be dealt with.

The concept of acceptance had been neither previously introduced nor naturally occurring to me.  A feeling of vexation was a call to action to:  Speak up.  Enlighten.  School.  Shame.  File a complaint.  Start a petition.  Shun.  Slander.  You name it.  This is what I knew.  I am beyond grateful for the tools of recovery.  Knowing that some things(the fact of their existence) are meant for acceptance, while others require either action or patience to wait for knowledge of right and wholesome action.  10 years ago I would’ve complained about the temperature and volume, tried to demand a refund, and told those children’s parents all about themselves.  No joke.  And then I would have bragged about it and polled the people to see how right I was.  It is as painful as it is amusing to recall and confess in this way.  No faith.  No God.  No Grace.  No Peace.  Today, I possess each of those at my core. My spiritual striving makes me a better parent and person–apparently not a better daughter and sister, whatever.  Motherhood and spirituality are the things for which I reserve absolute devotion. 

Also, I am grateful for and dedicated to the humble and emotionally present and generous man who loves me completely.  I have never been shown more kindness and love by anyone in all of my life.  Ever!  I feel proud that I am available for this, very unnatural and just plain foreign.  After a little more than a year, I am getting the hang of being more loving and so well loved.  The latter is the more difficult of the two.  We DO love AND we own it when we fail to- usually because we are run down and have failed to meet our own most basic needs.  Like Marianne W. says, “Anything that is not love, is a call for love”.   I will close another day/night with my nightly prayer:  Thank you, God.

Prayer and Acceptance are especially Badass!


Magda Gee

I am in a program of recovery for those whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking, drug use, mental illness. I am newly learning faith, hope, and courage, practices not witnessed by me, in my childhood, with my family. Sadly, No Contact, as a last resort, is how I keep safe from diminishing words and actions directed at me. I think I have listened for the last time to how I deserve mistreatment. By holding out for something more wholesome and loving, I have been both banished and demanded to return. I prefer serenity to proximity. I will continue with my program and faith in the best possible outcome, so long as I do my part-- to stalk GOD as if my life depends on it.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. MA

    Overcoming sensory stuff to enjoy the movies with your boys is awesome. Good for you!

    1. Wholesome BadAss

      Hey there MA,
      I love that you were able to check in an chime in, all the way from Africa. Anytime you comment, you can enter your initials or a screen name. I cannot change or edit that. I am grateful for our experience, the memory, and the reminderS of why movies @ theaters are not a top pick for me.

      I am grateful for all those who are badass enough to hear about sensory issues without wanting to debate or invalidate them.

      If you ever want to share here about the constant sensory input from your native environment, that would be more than welcome.

  2. JJ

    It seems God has a list of unpleasant things we must go through while we are on earth. I have been marveling at the new lessons God has been giving me – great puzzles – what is RIGHT or even what is right. What is the next right step?

    And my great financial decision with all its arduous components – where am I? What am I to do?”


  3. G

    Yes, the awful ” I’m sorry you feel that way”!
    So underhanded and lacking ANY actual shred of acknowledgement for their doings. It’s more of an apology FOR you than To you. Anyone who says this doesn’t actually care what they’ve done.

  4. Trish

    I love this. I no longer have to defend or deeply explain why I can’t take fire works of even look at mayo let alone ever eat it. I just simply say, I have sensory issues and do what I need to do. Most people don’t even ask me what that is, so I am learning to do what is best for me one day at a time.

    1. Wholesome BadAss

      Isn’t it great when we get to be who and how we are without fear of reprisal and absolute FAITH in God. Thank you for weighing in. The conversation is so important. People are quick to want to discipline children and even adults for silly discomforts or issues that should be overcome by maturity or regard for others. No more!

      Owning it is so badass. It is the only way. Others do not have to understand or even respect it…as long as WE do.

  5. Heidi

    My mission is to continue my path to enlightenment & become lighter & more free each day that I devote my soul to the universe NOT man.

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