Thanksgiving with Family-More Spooky than Halloween–More Tricky than Treaty
I realize it is only halloween and I am already thinking Thanksgiving thoughts. Getting out into the future consistently brings me down. And, off I go. My boys are enjoying plans with good wholesome family friends tonight and for that I am over the moon. For me Thanksgiving will happen in the home of my best friend. My boys are with their father this year for Thanksgiving and it would be silly to think they will go anywhere but with my sister and mother, with whom I have NO CONTACT. From the day we met ( my boys’ father and me) everything that was mine became ours and everything that was his remained exclusively his. My bank accounts, benefits, house, house downpayment, personal email, credit cards, friends, everything-shifted from mine to ours–and nobody forced me, it is what I learned, how to
sustain illusion of cohesion avoid banishment. (more…)