Unlearning-One Day at a Time

screen-shot-2016-12-06-at-8-50-52-pmIn my life I can’t help but marvel at the grim, if not blind determination to force people places and things to BE different from how Wrecking Ballthey are.  This behavior is typically paired with barely contained rage or smugness, dependent on the outcome.

This influence did not springboard me into a state of wholesome badassery,  Overly receptive to sensory stimulus and the emotional energy of others, highly strung, I have been mostly scared shitless and very reactive. 

WBA is my journal of expansion beyond what I have “known”, now living intentionally with NEW, kinder, gentler ways of being in the world.   With the close and constant proximity to Trusted Others I am re-parenting myself, growing into a spiritually mature woman. (more…)

This Is How–Augusten Burroughs

“If you have one parent who loves you, even if they can’t buy you clothes, they’re so poor and they make all kinds of mistakes and maybe sometimes they even give you awful advice, but never for one moment do you doubt their love for you–if you have this, you have incredibly good fortune.”

This Is How: Proven Aid in Overcoming Shyness, Molestation, Fatness, Spinsterhood, Grief, Disease, Lushery, Decrepitude & More. For Young and Old Alike


I have heard it said that “Forgiveness requires more than the intellectual commitment to do so.”

Years of seeking a definition that I can work with,  I think I this is IT.

“Forgiveness means it finally becomes unimportant that you hit back. You’re done. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to have lunch with the person. If you keep hitting back, you stay trapped in the nightmare…”

― Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith





What these words mean to me:

Wholesome-spiritually /principle driven. (In my life, my principles are static-unchanged by my mood or reaction. Mine are those of a 12 Step Fellowship.)  When I am in alignment with my program principles, I am wholesome.

BadAss– Grit, courage and resolve. Strength of character.  When I walk head on, through what I think I cannot manage– with only my courage and faith, I feel BadAss.  When I resist the invitation to jump into the ring, I am a BadAss.  When I say, Sorry that won’t work out, without defense, I am BadAss.  When I revere my Good Orderly Direction more than my concern with another persons’s reaction, I AM A BADASS.

Accepting an uncomfortable truth, an unpleasant fact.  Accepting that there is nothing to be done about it and Just doing the next right thing.  Courage and Faith are the only reasons I have not reacted more to the behaviors and words of my family.

Courage– Facing pain and fear with faith in Good Orderly Direction. (more…)

Big Effen Surrender

Big Surrender



Today, I did something different. When I wanted to react, when I wanted to retaliate, to enlighten, I did nothing. I let it be. I cried. I shared with trusted others.  I cried.  And I let it be. That is a miracle.  The situation is very non-miracle.  My response to it-100% miracle.  Willingness to do things differently to not do and say as I feel called to do by habit, will, or ego.  100%!

                        “the gift of an unexpressed thought“–  Big Surrender

Fearless Humor–Only a BadAss Would Own this Thinking

We Who Are Your Closest Friends

by Phillip Lopate


we who are

your closest friends

feel the time

has come to tell you

that every Thursday

we have been meeting

as a group

to devise ways

to keep you

in perpetual uncertainty


discontent and


by neither loving you

as much as you want

nor cutting you adrift


your analyst is

in on it

plus your boyfriend

and your ex-husband

and we have pledged

to disappoint you

as long as you need us


in announcing our


we realize we have

placed in your hands

a possible antidote

against uncertainty

indeed against ourselves

but since our Thursday nights

have brought us

to a community of purpose

rare in itself

with you as

the natural center

we feel hopeful you

will continue to make


demands for affection

if not as a consequence

of your

disastrous personality


then for the good of the collective.

Absolute Authenticity Has Its Price

self-loveMy commitment to living, loving, serving, and feeling with my whole heart is separating me from historical relations which require that I stay on script and come on cue.  It feels as though it I am consistently admonished:  “Fuck you for going off script! Who do you think you are?”  Those words not spoken, but the message is clear.

I may not fully yet know who I am.  But I do know—that I am worthy of love and kindness, which prevents me from staying on the script.  #Sorrynotsorry.

I will take my cues from and keep close to the courageous, humble, and vulnerable.  For only theirs are opinions to be considered.   Owning without apology,  all of who they are, holding an expectation that I do the same.  This is not for everyone….but definitely the badAsses.  Wholesome BadAsses-thriving together in expansion; mine, yours–contraction will. not. do.


BadAss Lil Warrior

2015425My mother after her 6th chemo treatment. I think she looks like a beautiful courageous warrior.   When I see women in scarves or head covers. I want to bow to them.   Total badasses. Not pretending or hiding or flaunting. Just living and fighting the good fight.

Will you look at her!!!! amazing. I love love love this pic. The vulnerability and courage are breathtaking. I told her I loved her skull. That it was so perfectly formed and that mine would look like a softening and over ripened peach… I don’t love the cancer or that she has to be bald. But I do love her skull and her spirit and this picture, this moment where she let me try different head covers on her and even smiled for her picture. My mother now thinks I am more peculiar than ever for loving her skull and saying so without apology. I wanted to smooch it…badly– and pet it. I am her baby bunny and she will always be my mama squirrel.

Each, perfect and lovely. Both rock…just not usually together.  For too long I accepted my role as broken squirrel when I was not condemning her as evil bunny.

I love you, Mom.

Addendum 11.17.16  Only, I will no longer  abandon my well being to prove it.

GOD’s Grace

In 2010, my now ex-husband left our home per court direction. But, only after intentionally draining us/me financially. Today, five years into my spiritual recovery, the two of us are collaborating to relocate our family cross-country, together (into separate homes, of course). We still differ fundamentally — at cellular levels…. And i now see this, not as a problem, but a fact.

Spiritual direction allows me the choice to respond maturely, at times with grace, to differences & disturbances. With the good orderly direction of my program, i choose more wholesome behavior for myself, allowing me to transcend the pain of my old ways. Before, my reactions (and initiatives) were more bad and more assy, than wholesome or badass. (more…)