The Loss of an Estranged Parent
Shit shit shit…I just got third party information that my mother has been taken to the hospital. My mother has made her decision and choices clear. So, I suppose I will wait and see what her family sees fit to share with or ask of me. I never did get the playbook on how to manage this sort of thing. But I did find these brilliant words of wisdom and comfort over at ScaryMommy: “But there is only so much abuse a person can take before they say “enough.” For me, the birth of my son was also the birth of my backbone. It was the birth of me saying “enough is enough.” Once I became firm in my decision, I started hearing people say, “But what if something happens to her, how will you feel?”
That is the million-dollar question when you end a relationship in anger. What happens if they die? Can you live with yourself? My answer to that question is yes. Yes, you can.
As you can imagine, I have been dealing with a lot of emotions in relation to her death. When a parent dies, it is earth-shattering. Just completely devastating. You are forever changed. Yet, the truth is, I mourned my mother many years ago. After years of therapy and being open about this with my friends (and non-friends who ask), I can tell you that I felt, and still feel, a million emotions in regards to the death of my mother.
Not a single one is regret.
I chose to end an abusive, toxic relationship. I chose to allow people who loved and supported me to be in my life, and those who hurt me and betrayed me, those who took advantage of me and used me as a punching bag to be let out of my life. It was liberating.
But it is also devastating. I am so sad that I didn’t talk to my mom on the phone the night before she died. I am heartbroken that she never knew my amazing boys. At 1 and 5 years old, they are the most amazing creatures I have ever been privileged to know. Mourning the absence of the mother I needed, the one I knew she wished she could have been, and the one I lost has been the hardest and most emotionally taxing thing I have ever done.
As I sit here and think about the fact that my mother and I will never reconcile, I’m okay. She was never the mother I needed. She couldn’t be. But maybe she is also finally free. Free from the demons she faced in this world. Wherever she is, I hope she is no longer hurting. Having my children has been so healing because I truly understand a mother’s love. I never knew it growing up, but loving my boys as fiercely and intensely as I do? That has been more healing than I could have ever imagined.
It is so hard to be hurt by someone who should love you. But we cannot stand idly by and allow these relationships to continue. We have to set boundaries and end contact if needed. Because sometimes the only person you can save is you. So save yourself. You are worth it.
And who knows, maybe it is just a broken arm? Either way, the collective need for my inclusion with this bunch was outlined clearly and repeatedly. There really is nothing I can do but wait. And pray.
Thanksgiving with Family-More Spooky than Halloween–More Tricky than Treaty
I realize it is only halloween and I am already thinking Thanksgiving thoughts. Getting out into the future consistently brings me down. And, off I go. My boys are enjoying plans with good wholesome family friends tonight and for that I am over the moon. For me Thanksgiving will happen in the home of my best friend. My boys are with their father this year for Thanksgiving and it would be silly to think they will go anywhere but with my sister and mother, with whom I have NO CONTACT. From the day we met ( my boys’ father and me) everything that was mine became ours and everything that was his remained exclusively his. My bank accounts, benefits, house, house downpayment, personal email, credit cards, friends, everything-shifted from mine to ours–and nobody forced me, it is what I learned, how to
sustain illusion of cohesion avoid banishment. (more…)
The Opposite of Faith
There is much change in my life as I transition homes and career AND try to accept the finality of my family of origin’s committed alignment with my ex husband, which for many reasons is harmful. They do this to circumvent the depth of work toward resolution or even genuine peace between US, without forfeiting physical access to my children. I often feel desperate for certainty. So, with the recent disconnect(revealed by political differences) between Sweet Greg and me, I wanted certainty, to skip right over not knowing how it could be, so I could just 100% be sure of something—like that we were over. It would be easier to do that, because not knowing is difficult. But then I remembered, my Faith is immense and I take risk and make big moves when necessary…and that I can wait through difficult times. Sweet Greg and I have together, decided that there is no rush to KNOW and that we shall remain committed to our relationship while
not pretending honestly acknowledging our struggle. Intimacy is the place where this truly presents itself. It is not a punishment, but a natural and non-permanent consequence of this “thing” that separates us.
I am grateful to be in a struggle together, with him, not against him, and not free from him, but working together through difficulty to see what is true and possible. Tragically and foolishly, I thought my ex husband and I might find lasting connection in divorce, as it would join us in working together toward something we both knew was right. That lasted only until he re-united with his sisters( he could never be close with his sisters and me at the same time—always forced to choose–sound familiar?? Poor Guy) His sisters prospered immensely from marriages and divorces from people who had more than they did and had distinct ideas and suggestions for how to win the battle of divorce- Ugh– The zero-sum game–Somebody must lose!
Anyway, We are all grateful and excited about our pumpkin carving afternoon and Saturday Taco dinner. Love and faith win–but are too much for those who must be certain and right. I am grateful I for the opportunities to unlearn this thinking and to practice living and being in ways that are new to me. I love you, Greg and we are worth the struggle and the not knowing. And resolution is the place where relationships are strengthened. We are strong and courageous AF–total badasses for surrendering to uncertainty and struggle! Together, we expand.
Broken But Not Destroyed
Day 5 of my Year of Miracles with Marianne Williamson-
I have given excessive thought to things like blame, shame, unworthiness, faith, courage, and serenity. The last three are developments from doing the work of
recovery. Previously I relied exclusively on blame, shame, unworthiness to guide me—OH, and decades of resentment for being saddled with both spoken and unspoken messages to “BE different or else goddammit.(Step to, get on fucken script!”) Since, I cannot force or feign healing or transformation, I defaulted to the “OR ELSE”.
In my family of origin, the message I continue to receive is “If you are truly grateful and decent, you will stop (being you)”. Message received. I know for people outside of recovery, it appears that I choose, earn, and am responsible for all of
the brokenness of our family. Thank God, what other people think is no longer my business-another magical nugget of wisdom offered by spiritual recovery and seeking information on mental wellness.
Until we admit our defects, we cannot take responsibility for them. I like the expression of “Name it to tame it.” A malady cannot effectively be treated before being accurately identified. Right? I learned in the course of my mother’s cancer treatment, that for cancer patients, it is essential to determine which type of cancer is present in order to know exactly the necessary course of treatment. Previously, I believed all cancer got THE chemo and THE radiation. The cancer type is determined by where it first originates, and not necessarily where it presents. My mother’s cancer became first evident in her lungs, but in fact, it was ovarian cancer, and was treated accordingly and well.
Ok—a lil tangent, but still about recovery and healing. The doctors first did the work to name it then tamed it. Twice! She is cancer-free, I am told.
For now, our family behaves as if I am the the source of cancer within our FOO (but actually, I am the place where it presents) and I must be removed. I think there may be confusion over whom shall be credited with my removal, them or ME. With my marriage, my ex declared he would do NO work on himself (that he would never change-he actually said those words)—a promise he will keep, so I filed for divorce. On one hand, he likes to say he ended it with me, because then he is in charge and feels un-rejected. On the other hand, he likes to say it was me who filed for divorce and I am to blame. This dynamic is nuts, wanting authority without responsibility. In recovery, I have but one trusted authority, God. I am unable to strive for and maintain wellness in systems like my marriage and FOO that demand reverence to…what, I am not even sure what to call it—their will, their mood, their agenda. I cannot abide by anything as dynamic and non-benevolent as that. I am responsible only for my own wellness and behavior. Good Orderly Directions are all that I revere. They are not a source for that.
Today is only Day 5 with Marianne Williamson. I cannot wait to see where my 365 journey will leave me.. In true addict fashion, I am tempted to jam through the remaining 360 days over the weekend. However, I recognize that lasting transformation requires intention, time, faith, willingness, and discipline. Discipline remains tricky for me. I will continue working on myself. Doing the work is BADASS-(all caps, yo). And totally WHOLESOME- It is not for everyone.
I am a work in pogress. I will never stop changing. As my sister likes to say-Amen!
Hug Rapers-Break the Cycle
I have just realized that the same people who demand and extract hugs and demonstrations of physical intimacy of any sort (particularly from children), which are not mutually comfortable or desired—They are the exact same ONES who will cast you out for non compliance. Sick ass conditional love, fraud ! They wish to be in charge of intimacy, inclusion, (exclusion, of course) and an illusion of closeness. Sorry…It doesn’t work that way. Even if you are their mother, sister, aunt…Especially so!
My stomach is knotted as I recall my first date with my now ex(husband) and the hug that I joked to friends, that I did not give but allowed to be extracted…because that is what I learned might help me avoid banishment. LITERALLY, Icky hugs lead to drugs and other unfortunate coping skills ,addiction, self-hate, self loathing, anxiety, depression. Oh—and a loveless marriage.
These people never offer hugs or kindness in time of need, they use hugs for social appearances. Wholesome hugging happens naturally when there is connection. If you have to insist on one, you are rapey. Please seek help. If you have a hug extractor in the lives of your children, please consider encouraging them to practice body autonomy. I found a powerful piece on this issue earlier. No surprise that a large part of the people whom I know to have voted #45 are also hug rapers. Although, my mother did not vote #45, she is definitely guilty of demanding physical intimacy and condemning when rebuffed.
A fetus is using someone’s body parts. Therefore under bodily autonomy, it is there by permission, not by right. It needs a persons continuous consent. If they deny and withdraw their consent, the pregnant person has the right to remove them from that moment. A fetus is equal in this regard because if I need someone else’s body parts to live, they can also legally deny me their use.
By saying a fetus has a right to someone’s body parts until it’s born, despite the pregnant person’s wishes, you are doing two things.1. Granting a fetus more rights to other people’s bodies than any born person.
2. Awarding a pregnant person less rights to their body than a corpse.”
A Year of Miracles-or Just One Day
Holy smokes! I just listened to Day 2 of Marianne Williamson (47 times,of course) A Year of Miracles: how miracles happen when we choose expressions of love without the distractions of fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, resentment—and all things not built on love. What the what? I know it is a little woo woo, but today, I am partially, if not deeply, moved by these sentiments. I recognize in myself the indisputable need for spiritual adjustment. Marianne goes on, to blow my mind with:
“My own self hatred masquerading itself as self love, lures me to blame, defense, and more suffering. Will I place my focus on something loveless that somebody did to me?”
If I withdraw my attachment to what THEY DO (present tense), I will no longer be affected by their actions. (really????) Apparently, I have the opportunity to decide to put my faith elsewhere. Marianne provides a much needed definition of forgiveness that resonates with me. The miracle of forgiveness: It has nothing to do with ignoring, pretending or exposing myself for more….only a willingness to restore my focus and faith in the practice of love.
When something loveless is done to me, I must process my feelings but I do not have to indulge them. Yes, I MUST honor them, but not spew them. (Ouch!) In this way I become willing and able to to endure the gap in time between the pain of someone having hurt me and the miracle of my release from suffering. But But But, I say; the shit is never ending. Of course I still want IT to STOP ALREADY.(possibly embedding of that link is evidence of a lack of complete surrender and willingness. I am a work in progress—only striving, not arriving)
Forgiveness seems more doable, once the loveless behaviors have ceased. But just for today, I will allow my thoughts to take a new direction and place my attachments where they can serve love and god, not my ego. I must surrender urges to un-erase myself, be heard, defend, and prove anything at all.
Will I? If I do, it will sure be some wholesome badass shift. I will call it a goal. Possibly tomorrow, or even later today, I will post something diametrically opposing my newly and currently enlightened mood. Deep sigh.
Soul (Rapey) Sister
After lunch, this weekend, at my sister’s home where she fawned over my ex in ways that made even him feel awkward, my boys have reported the continued demands for touches and hugs. I cannot express clearly enough to my sons that they never have to touch or be touched in ways that feel icky, in order to make someone else happy. Nor shall they impose themselves on others in this way. It is not loving, normal, or healthy.
My sister, mother, and their father continue to strongly urge them to hug when they resist. They are rightfully disturbed by this. Not only the engaging in physical unwanted touch but the tension they face with their father if they do not gladly oblige. What does this teach children—to hug and put out on demand? This turns my stomach and is foul and unsurprising behavior from people who have always touched and taken in ways that were not only unwelcome but damaging.
The soul raping legacy stops here: Keep your needy and dirty paws off my children’s innocent bodies and spirits. Let them BE. They do not feel peace and comfort with you. They do not want to be touched by you and have articulated looking forward to “turning 18 so they can stop being forced” to engage with people who act as if their mother is either unworthy or non-existent….and with people who knowingly divide their parents—while demanding shows of physical intimacy from them. Ugh.
For those of you who are new to my journey, it is essential to know that I cried to my husband while married about a sister with whom I did not speak for decades and– then we divorced. She triangulates with him creating discord in coparenting for us, which is unfortunate for our young sons and myself, though not for him. Anyway, as a mother and woman, I find the behavior unacceptable…especially from someone who is desperate to be seen as pious, ladylike, and sweet. While confronting them will do nothing, illuminating the truth of what has happened and is happening is needed. It heals and helps to cope and to share my story with others who have experienced being used and discarded by members of their family, violated: denied and touched both physically and mentally in ways that were not healthy or wholesome-and then judged for not being gracious processors of the unthinkable. Now, for the rising, we are pulling ourselves up out of a dynamic that could otherwise make the sanest of people lose their shit. If protecting my children and teaching them boundaries is a crime. I am guilty AF. I am ok with that.
#rape #soulrape #stopit #toxicpeople #narcissist #justsayno #theanswerisalwaysno #noisalwaystheanswer #speakup #sayno #sexualabuse #predator #molestor #desperate #gross
Happy Birthday

I adore Eddie Murphy and may celebrate later by watching Coming to America or Beverly Hills Cop. Laughter is key and I have found that unless I can be free to cry around you, I will never deeply laugh with you or enjoy or want sex with you. Wholesome laughter, for me, seems the height of intimacy, laughing at things that do not diminish others. While this meme may seem distasteful to some, it is just plain silly, mocking ignorance, itself. I think it would only agitate those deep into being perceived as politically correct, while failing to make the distinction between PC and morally upright. Just saaayin.
Anyhoo-Birthdays have always been difficult, not because I am concerned with my age, but because I have always felt the pressure to suddenly transform into this person that I am not: social, upbeat, grateful for shit I do not want in place of stuff I need, happy to be surrounded by people who show no signs of giving a genuine fuck about me 364, and don’t mind serving me foods I dislike past my dinner time-in honor of me.
What I am grateful for is my ability to laugh and cry with my trusted others for all of the days of the year. I am grateful to have people in my life who truly know and want me, exactly as I am, even the prickly parts.
I hope to not receive weird cards in my mailbox from people who consistently discount my right to serenity and wholeness. Holiday sentiments in that form are unwelcome reminders of all that is not. I have enough of those. #thanksbutnothanks
For my birthday, I have special lunch and dinner plans and I will treat myself well by scheduling my mammogram and annual gyno appt (because having that task ticked off the list will feel freeing), by cleaning my home to the standard I wish for it to be. I have already ordered myself a fancy bra, that promises to fit perfectly and will treat myself to a manicure. Recovery teaches me how to practice appropriate self care. It is so unnatural to me, but today, I will do things that are good for me with people who are good for me. I will eat what my body needs when it needs to be fed and I will spend time alone, because my wiring requires that I do so. I will be free from anyone who dares to challenge or judge that.
Because life is both too long and #lifeistooshort for anything other. Happy Birthday to me!
We Can Do Hard Things
Sweet Greg and I had a profoundly expansive and beautiful near 2 years together and have sadly arrived at a place in which we cannot continue as we have,
believing knowing what we believe “know” and feeling what we feel. Tomorrow is my birthday and while many would want to just get through that, the last thing I want is a strained or achy birthday dinner. I have had my fill of those. In the process of moving homes, changing jobs, and entering into the holiday season, it seems unfair timing to cut myself loose from someone so dear, I understand that friendship ONLY is not appealing to him.
•I am sad
•I am grateful
•I am angry
•I am being responsible and fair
•I am grieving—just add this to the pile of things to grieve
•I don’t like it
•I will not pretend
•I will not deny
•I will not ignore
Possessing the courage to share my truth and to step all the way into it, one more time, dividing me from someone, whom I do not want to be without, is something I feel good about.
My recovery and relationship to God and myself matter more to me than any relationship or relationship status to others. I am divorced. I am single. I am choosing authenticity over fear. I am BRAVING (Brene Brown-Braving the Wilderness)
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Previous Posts
2025 (7)
- 02. March / The Art of Being Disposable
- 25. February / Breaking the Cycle: A Miracle in Parenting
- 20. February / Valentine’s Day: WTF
- 19. February / Between Invisible & Seen: Finding True Belonging
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- 23. January / Purpose, Belonging, Direction
2024 (22)
- 16. October / Just Shut Up
- 15. October / I’m not angry. I’m overwhelmed.
- 03. October / Accuracy of Language
- 03. October / Rupture and Repair
- 30. September / Breakdown or Breakthrough
- 29. September / National Son’s Day
- 18. September / Healing and Living
- 16. September / Truthful vs Honest
- 15. September / Just Be Positive
- 08. September / Why a Smear Campaign?
- 07. September / Painful Reminders
- 03. September / Fallout from The Love Bomb
- 02. September / Blessings and Privilege
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2023 (21)
- 24. December / Better Not Cry- Better Not Pout
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- 05. October / How Do I Handle This?
- 26. September / Trojan Horse(repost from 2017)
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- 01. August / Public Service Announcement
- 29. July / Shame and Guilt and Fear
- 29. July / Perspectives
- 26. July / Roles and Scripts
- 11. July / New Dynamics
- 26. June / Like a Moth to a Flame
- 17. June / Big Triggers
- 10. June / Trolling for Love on
- 13. May / Good, better, and not enough
- 09. April / Relax- Calm Down
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- 24. October / Sweet Mercy
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- 26. September / The Anatomy of Trust
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- 30. January / Learning to Belong
- 29. January / The Quality of My Thoughts
- 26. January / Formatting Errors v. Compatibility Issues
- 25. January / No Means No
- 24. January / Never say Never
- 20. January / You Can’t Make Me and Neither Can I
- 19. January / Trust in Kindness
- 14. January / Day 15 I Can Not Be Counted On
- 13. January / Day 14 Character Analysis
- 12. January / Day 13 Second-Handers
- 07. January / Day 8 Reflection
- 05. January / Atypical Day 6
- 03. January / Day 4 Schitt’s Creek
- 02. January / Day 3 The Fountainhead
- 01. January / 2019 Day 1
2018 (86)
- 31. December / No, But This Time I Mean It
- 21. December / Clear Boundaries are not Grudges
- 20. December / Are You My Mother?
- 17. December / Our Mother Who Art in Heaven
- 17. December / Social Media for Abuse Awareness
- 16. December / Pills That are Hard to Swallow
- 04. December / BUT WHY THO—Dear Mom
- 03. December / Rest In Peace
- 02. December / Fake Peace
- 25. November / This Is Not My Kingdom
- 24. November / Walls or Bridges
- 22. November / Gentle Thanksgiving
- 19. November / Being Human Means Making Mistakes
- 09. November / Boundaries and Being Non-Dead
- 06. November / How I Tricked Him Into Loving Me
- 02. November / Healing After and During Betrayal
- 29. October / Communicating Truth
- 26. October / Aha!
- 25. October / Happy Birthday ?
- 14. October / Why Lie
- 11. October / Some Letters
- 06. October / The Part Where You Fucked Up
- 02. October / The Smiling Poop Emoji
- 25. September / Grandma’s Favorite—awww so sweet, y’all
- 24. September / Thank Good Gods
- 23. September / Undeserving
- 10. September / Supporting Gay Tweens- Even when they are not “yours”
- 26. August / It is Not that I Don’t Care..
- 17. August / For the Love
- 14. August / Because Obviously
- 10. August / On Forgiving
- 03. August / Like-hearted
- 28. July / Are We Good?
- 26. July / Stand Your Ground
- 25. July / It Might Just Suck
- 23. July / On Bullying
- 22. July / First, Your Spirit
- 19. July / On Gossip
- 16. July / The Tightrope
- 12. July / Get Well Soon
- 09. July / Emergencies and Celebrations
- 09. July / The Opposite of Love
- 08. July / A Letter for Children
- 06. July / Life and Death
- 05. July / Independence Day
- 04. July / No Laughing Matter
- 03. July / We Learn What We Live
- 02. July / Low Blood Sugar and Anxiety
- 02. July / Be the Nice Kid
- 01. July / Indirect Communication
- 29. June / Problem or Unpleasant Fact–How to Know
- 28. June / Right, Wrong, or Just Human
- 26. June / We Belong to Each Other
- 25. June / But Why Though
- 24. June / You Do Not Have to Agree with Me to Love Me
- 23. June / Ambition or Denial
- 22. June / You Got What You Deserved
- 22. June / Six Things
- 17. June / When Bad Things Happen to Good People
- 07. June / Mental Health–We all have mental health.
- 04. June / How to Achieve Menschdom by Guy Kawasaki
- 26. May / What is Love?
- 22. May / A Letter to My Sons
- 20. May / Abuse is Abuse
- 15. May / A Letter From My Sons
- 13. May / Courage to Change
- 11. May / happy mothers’ day
- 06. May / The Zero-Sum Game–Everyone Loses
- 03. May / Every Time I Judge
- 02. May / Recovery Celebrations
- 13. April / Best Days of Our Lives
- 05. April / Shame on Who(or whom)?
- 02. April / Get Over It—Umm Okaaay
- 29. March / DGAF–I Totally Give
- 28. March / I am sorry that…
- 12. March / Thank You for Teaching Me
- 21. February / The Legacy of Rage
- 16. February / Serves You Right
- 15. February / Parenting and Power Struggles
- 23. January / Food and Truth-In Abundance
- 19. January / We Can Do Hard Things
- 16. January / One Goal 100% of the Time
- 12. January / Am I an Asshole-I Don’t Think So(anymore)
- 05. January / Breakups
- 02. January / Shannon Thomas- Healing From Hidden Abuse
2017 (160)
- 27. December / They Belong Together
- 26. December / Sweet Surrender
- 19. December / Connection and Protection
- 18. December / It is Not About You
- 12. December / Name it To Tame it
- 11. December / Winners Change and Grow, Staying the Same is for the Others
- 10. December / BIRTHDAY MIRACLES
- 04. December / What You Believe In, Becomes Your Reality, Your Life
- 02. December / It’s That Time of Year
- 28. November / Home is Where You Can Afford to Live–Right?
- 25. November / Children Learn What They Live
- 22. November / Count Your Blessings
- 19. November / Paper Plates–The Cheap Kind
- 17. November / Every Chapter Matters
- 10. November / Trojan Horses
- 09. November / So This
- 08. November / Truth to Bullshit
- 05. November / Narcissist Be Like
- 03. November / Kthanksbye
- 01. November / The Loss of an Estranged Parent
- 28. October / The Opposite of Faith
- 27. October / Broken But Not Destroyed
- 26. October / Hug Rapers-Break the Cycle
- 25. October / A Year of Miracles-or Just One Day
- 24. October / Soul (Rapey) Sister
- 23. October / Happy Birthday
- 22. October / We Can Do Hard Things
- 21. October / One Day at A Time
- 18. October / Emotional Honesty and Healing v. Play Acting
- 17. October / Poor Sally Draper
- 16. October / Recovery from Life
- 12. October / A Friend of Bill’s
- 10. October / Life on Life’s Terms
- 09. October / Loving Myself, Unapologetically, and Without Permission
- 03. October / The Shit Before the Shift
- 02. October / We Don’t Have to Feel Starved
- 27. September / Nope…I can’t
- 26. September / You Do Not Have to Stand for the Pledge
- 25. September / Sorry Not Sorry
- 24. September / Braving The Wilderness
- 17. September / You Are Either With Me or You Are Against Me
- 22. August / Death Wishing and Hopelessness
- 16. August / It is NOT NORMAL
- 15. August / Are You Effing Insane?
- 14. August / Stonewalling-How it Works
- 13. August / Relief Is Available–Name It to Tame It
- 08. August / Truth Speaking–Amen
- 06. August / Our Feelings Can Teach Us
- 04. August / Jeff Brown Wisdom on Spiritual and Emotional Healing
- 31. July / Triangulation-How It Works
- 30. July / Then You Win
- 30. July / The Difference Is….
- 28. July / How Upsetting for Children
- 23. July / Children-Make Them Feel Loved
- 16. July / Love is Many Things, BUT Never Deceitful
- 09. July / What Is that smell? Could it be bullshit?
- 06. July / The Fighter
- 04. July / Independence Day 2017- Freedom from ……..
- 30. June / Mindful Parenting
- 27. June / PSA– Works When You are Honest
- 25. June / Destroying Others is Monstrous Behavior
- 18. June / Fathers Day Feelings
- 15. June / To Thine Own Self Be True
- 15. June / I know what I Bring to the Table
- 06. June / Historical Revisionist–Future Revisionist
- 01. June / The Day You Were Born
- 29. May / Memorial Day 2017-Dying for Peace
- 23. May / Self Love is the Shit
- 19. May / Starved
- 17. May / The Broken Clock
- 16. May / Me Too, Tell Me More
- 13. May / We Who Are Your Closest Friends
- 11. May / I Wish You Well
- 10. May / The Miracles of Recovery
- 08. May / Gratitude Continued
- 06. May / Project Miracle
- 05. May / Just Be Happy-Goddammit
- 01. May / Shame Shifting
- 30. April / Happy Mother’s Day
- 28. April / Psychological Invalidation Is Abuse
- 27. April / Always a Third Way
- 26. April / Dear Lord………
- 24. April / Welcome to McDonalds
- 22. April / What Would Lena Dunham Do?
- 21. April / What Is Your Problem, Anyway?
- 20. April / I Love Jesus
- 17. April / When Someone Shows You Who They Are
- 15. April / Let’s Roll-Grappling On and Off the Mats
- 14. April / Shaming and Blaming–Not Welcome Here
- 13. April / Follow Your Heart- Be True and Honor Yourself
- 11. April / The Matriarchal Family
- 06. April / Heaven Knows……
- 05. April / Pray for a Miracle
- 04. April / Understanding Unforgiveness- Repair or Release?
- 03. April / One Day at a Time, They too Shall Pass
- 02. April / No Solution- No problem
- 31. March / Surrender…. or Try Harder, More, Better
- 30. March / The Imaginary Letter-The One That Never Comes
- 29. March / Greatest Achievement-hahaha
- 29. March / Letter to Mother and Sister
- 28. March / Tools for Life
- 27. March / An Invitation to Heal-Repair or Release
- 24. March / Good Grief
- 23. March / The Menu-Life Choices
- 23. March / You Spot It–You Got It
- 21. March / House of Cards
- 21. March / Fools Rush In
- 15. March / Painful Dynamics- Repair or Release
- 14. March / Submission is for Jiu-Jitsu and Other Stuff
- 13. March / Moving On is Acceptance
- 12. March / Be Relentless: Eliminate the Poison in Your Life
- 11. March / Love is Compromise–Not Submission
- 10. March / Courage and Compassion-but first self esteem!
- 09. March / I Am Your Biggest Fan- I Am Your Mother
- 07. March / Instead of Focusing on Rejection
- 06. March / I Am Not Just Raising Boys
- 02. March / Take Time for Creativity
- 01. March / I Will Be Changed But Not Reduced
- 28. February / Money-Not the Problem, Not the Solution
- 27. February / Wake The Fuck Up
- 26. February / The Games Continue
- 25. February / Kindness v. Friendliness
- 24. February / Speak Your Heart – Listeners Will Listen
- 23. February / We Are Only As Sick As Our Secrets
- 22. February / Being Heard v. Being Erased
- 20. February / It is not Impossible, but UNpossible
- 18. February / Bless Them, Change Me
- 17. February / Lord of the Flies- Yikes
- 16. February / Valentines Day Perfection- Until….
- 13. February / Paying it Forward
- 12. February / Insanity is…
- 10. February / Feelings are not Facts
- 03. February / Sadness- Part of the Healing Process
- 02. February / Building and Destroying Trust
- 01. February / My Dog and I are Both Canaries
- 31. January / When Your Mother Is Just Not That Into You
- 30. January / GPS Your Heart
- 27. January / Together We Rise–Yes We Do
- 25. January / Knowing and Using Our Power for Good
- 20. January / Why Lie?
- 18. January / Let’s Talk About Sex-Please
- 17. January / True Perfection
- 17. January / Happy People are Kind
- 16. January / On Khloe Kardashian’s Revenge Body
- 12. January / Boundaries are for Badasses
- 12. January / Problem v. Unpleasant Fact
- 10. January / Prayer Works!
- 06. January / When People Show Us Who They Are
- 05. January / Faithful Living in 2017- Day 3
- 02. January / A New Day-New Strengths
- 01. January / 2017 Best Practices for Self-Love
2016 (46)
- 29. December / I Choose to Share, Heal, Expand-I Write the Ending
- 27. December / Letter to Mom
- 26. December / Letter To Self
- 24. December / Saying Ouch
- 23. December / AMEN
- 21. December / BadAss Friends
- 20. December / Most Wonderful Time of the Yeeeeear
- 19. December / Safe Distance is not Non-love
- 18. December / Even The Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day
- 16. December / What We Focus on Grows
- 14. December / No is a complete sentence.
- 11. December / Love is kind-right?
- 10. December / Go Where The Love Is
- 09. December / Inside Jokes and Situational Nicknames
- 08. December / Get Back Up! (again)
- 07. December / Silence- Not Equal to Peace and Grace
- 06. December / Today is Difficult
- 05. December / Love a Promise, Not an Emotion
- 04. December / Fearless Authenticity-I Heart the Dowager
- 03. December / Kindness Comes from the Kind-hearted
- 02. December / Courage and Vulnerability
- 01. December / What Is Love?
- 30. November / Loyalty
- 29. November / Silence
- 29. November / A Narcissist’s Prayer
- 27. November / Golden Memories
- 26. November / The Key
- 25. November / Best Day Ever
- 24. November / Thanksgiving Thoughts for Those Contemplating No Contact
- 22. November / Big Heart–Big Boundaries
- 20. November / Happy? Birthday
- 19. November / Greasy Hair and Furry Legs
- 18. November / Even the Best of Us
- 16. November / What Is Needed…
- 14. November / We Write Our Own Endings-Brené Brown
- 13. November / Finding My Voice-and my lil pink axe
- 12. November / Unlearning-One Day at a Time
- 11. November / This Is How–Augusten Burroughs
- 10. November / Emotional Experience, Real, Though Not Universal
- 07. September / Forgiveness
- 21. August / WBA-Terminology
- 15. August / Big Effen Surrender
- 18. April / Absolute Authenticity Has Its Price
2015 (5)
- 06. August / BadAss Lil Warrior
- 31. May / GOD’s Grace
- 25. May / Love is the Answer
- 20. May / Different Kinds of Love
- 18. April / What We Model for Our Children…
Count Me In
Words to LIVE By
Who you spend your time with will have a great impact on what kind of life you live. Spend time with the right people.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) November 19, 2016