Go Where The Love Is
Love is kind. Love wants the best for us without condition. For some of us, love takes practice and requires a model or a program.
Love is kind. Love wants the best for us without condition. For some of us, love takes practice and requires a model or a program.
Needy as shit this week, I have been relentless- calling Sweet Greg or peppering him with texts with a word or reference to something hysterically funny, to only the two of us. While it is for amusement, I do this for assurance…subtextually asking,”were you really there? did this really happen? are we connected?” Consistently, he blows my mind with quick and clever responses, both fun and affirming. Our best laughs are almost always those in which we are laughing directly AT our selves, not at each other…or at someone else, but only because we are relating—in that humbled insider kind of way.
I feast on moments of shared synchronized laughter with Greg which get boiled down from a story to a single word or phrase that will NEVER DIE. Unceasingly, we bring it back and inject it whenever possible. Difficult to know if our inside jokes are the cause or the result of our deep knowing of each other. The laughing is from a place or relating. It is the expression of joy- of being inside and knowing together. It is wholesome! It is not that weird, scary laugh, AT the expense of another. The constant unspoken message is “I get you, I totally get you.” We are united in the sentiment that nothing is funny if it causes someone actual pain. Mean humor, I no longer appreciate or tolerate. AND I have done more than my share. More unlearning…
Laughter is healing and comforting and sexy. It is absolutely the shortest distance between two people. I am finding that with my Trusted Others, together, we are able to cry as deeply as we laugh.
I am grateful to have recovered a wholesome sense of humor. For decades I enjoyed and employed humor that was aimed passively or even actively at diminishing others. I am sorry for that. But- I am happy to now have the Courage to Change. Changing and growing is for badasses! Wholesome laughter is for Badasses. The other kind is for bad asses.
This position is uncomfortable and I prefer the other view. Deep Breath. I will get myself up- do the next right thing. Dogs to groomer, serve my boss, be present for the joy of preparing for my older son’s birthday party. It would be much easier to lay here indulging fantasy and regret. If I spend one minute thinking of those who might enjoy smugly eluding to their sympathy for me with each other, that is a minute wasted. Today, I am free to focus on love and kindness. I am free to be of service to someone in need. I am free to feel and share and heal my pain. I am free to be angry and to work through it, without denying it or trying to offload it onto anyone. I am free to resume this position at any time. Oh, goody. (more…)
Feeling concerned for the fallout of saying NO to the gracious awkward invitation to sit at the table with people who cast me out harshly and publicly and then demand request my appearance, I began researching how to proceed—even with my unfortunate and evil ways, of course. See, I am called to continually get over hurtful and damaging things directed at me. To act as if…
My non-coercibility has earned me the title of withholding, deserving, imagining, or causing the unkindness- which persists in this way, each time I show up for more. My recovery teaches me that I no longer have to volunteer for this. I no longer participate in my own abuse.
The abusive words and behaviors are denied entirely, labelled as my wrong perceptions, or defended as facts–sworn and believed to come from a place of honor and rightness– not hurt or anger. Hurt and anger are for losers like me. Broken enough to feel and foolish enough to share. Saddened I am, by the reminder that healing and hope for myself exist only in the absence of these dynamics. I suppose the relief is in knowing that this sickness is not uncommon and I am not alone. Bad news, I cant cure or change it, I can avoid it. Dear Family, I am unable to attend the 2016 Christmas Performance dinner. Please accept this as my rsvp.
Silence can indeed be a form of grace and peace. However, when it is the requirement or expectation by one party for another to be silent, it is oppressive and bullying. When communication and acknowledgment are withheld, that is passive aggressive, coward bullshit unwholesome and unloving.
For those with pinched smiles and silent nods striving for a Pollyanna vibe, it is a choice to refrain…but to judge and alienate those with the courage to speak, is nasty…not gracious. Speaking up in peace and love, especially when awkward or scary, to elevate, is God’s work. God and love do not demand silence. Can there even be grace without kindness? Kindness– the energy of love, not a social or friendly posture/persona.
Greg and I enjoy and need silent time, together and apart; the peaceful kind that allows us to recharge…wholesome, not confusing, banishing, or scary. I am grateful to know the distinction between wholesome silence and the icky controlling silence- my cue to get some space.
I have received information- more of the sort which I feel unable to accept or change. I feel knocked down. With two little guys that count on me to get back up, I do. Maybe one day, I will do it for myself. For today, I do it for them. I acknowledge difficult times and feeeeeling defeated– AND I model putting one foot in front of the other anyway…stalking GOD as if my life depends on it. I could not do it alone. My day is now brighter as I turn into the light of my Good Orderly Direction and away from the invitation to jump in the ring. I’ve got this!
When my boys were 5 and 6 years old, after the successive passing of two acquaintances and our family pet-
S2: Why did they die?
Me: When our bodies grow too tired and weak, our bodies die and we go to Heaven.
S1: Does it hurt?
Me: I don’t think so. We arrive whole and healthy again in Heaven-a place where all things are good, nobody is sick, mean, afraid or hurting. In Heaven, we are with those whom we love and who love us.
S2: Will King Simon get his eye back? Me: Yes, he will have both of his eyes.
S1: Do bad guys go to heaven?
Me: They do. Doing bad things is part of their brokenness and in Heaven, they are no longer broken.
S2: Do we still have to take naps?
Me: Only when we feel like it.
S1: Will you will get there before us?
Me: Typically mommies and daddies go first.
S1: How will we find you?
Me: It will be like when I pick you up from school- you are waiting behind the gate and we just find each other. I will be there. They were satisfied with that. So. Am. I.(This makes me cry each time I consider it) (more…)
Watching DTA in binge fashion, I find myself utterly and madly in love with The Dowager. Her values and poise, I do not relate to– Irresistibly lovable for her priceless authenticity- unyielding to anything outside of her principles. She is the ultimate BadAss–even with zero spirituality, she is completely honorable. Probably for abiding by a Power Greater than Her Self to guide her every move.
A lovely couple, from two doors down, welcomed us to the community with a platter of warm, loving cookies-and have remained consistently kind-hearted, available, and interested. To me, this is both humbling and remarkable. People often present as “friendly” for the sake of the optical but are often simultaneously disinterested and unkind.
I am definitely not a friendly person by nature. But– I have learned to be kind–not to be confused with: being social, people pleasing, or willing to hustle for my worth. Lacking a need to be perceived as friendly, people concerned with appearances are threatened confused by me. Trusted Others –recognize this: Not always wearing a smile, I will help any person in need, without being asked and regardless if I like or “approve” of them. (more…)
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.
Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they ARE NEVER weakness.” Brene Brown
I acknowledge, daily–that most people just aren’t into this. In fact….it is frequently a highly judged deal breaker. I am ok with not having deals with those threatened put off by “vulnerability”. Option 1: be judged as one who makes waves Option 2: swim with the sharks. I choose waves over sharks. My vulnerability serves well as a highly effective filter. Trusted Others embrace vulnerability, their own, and others.
Vulnerability takes courage and is 100% BadAss!
This talk changed my life. I love you, Dr. Brené Brown. https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability
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Who you spend your time with will have a great impact on what kind of life you live. Spend time with the right people.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) November 19, 2016
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