It is not Impossible, but UNpossible
Dear Sister, After watching Alice Through the Looking Glass tonight, I see my continued lack of acceptance for your current arrangement. Whatever motivates your crusade to have me banished makes a healthy union UNpossible. This is what I would say to you, if you were listening for anything but your own voice. My only regret in this matter is having brought my ex around, knowing the two of you would extract righteous solace from a bond at my expense. How dare a person like myself walk away from people like you? Right? What to do when someone you think so little of, actually rejects the relationship with you…..Achey heart, head and shoulders up, I walk away from unkindness(and that is putting it gently). For my mother, I am willing to show up for healing with you, no abuse, and no pretending that things are different from how they are. Healing is badass. I wish it for you. You cannot feel good about what you have done and said. You can still make things better. It is not impossible. Many times in my life I have made big messes. Nothing has freed me more than cleaning up after myself. I wish that for you. This is a mess! Too big to go neatly under the rug and the clock is ticking.