In their young efforts to address my George Floyd despair, my boys offered me this: “Mom, he did have meth in his system and had…
Author: Magda Gee
My steady refusal of gifts and moments of staged harmony (in place of healing, repair, and honest connection) illuminated my unwillingness to bypass necessary mending.…
Torture (unlike abuse which is often spontaneous and unintentional, though still scarring) is pre-meditated and planned out. It is designed to methodically dismantle a person’s…
I was born to un-white skin, a foreign name, one Middle Eastern Moslem parent and the other an Agnostic Jew. Later, bussed across town to…
All Special Days—Mother’s Day reminded me of the last time I sat with my mother and sister. I have a framed picture from that dinner, which…
Things I am good at: Losing my shit Apologizing Wasting time Getting difficult stuff done Struggling with simple things because of associated historical feelings Helping…
I am… According to MBTI, an ISFJ Enneagram Almost equally #8 and #4- considering doing the paid test @ (UPDATE: I gave in to…
If the people to whom we looked, for love and protection, imposed traumatic shame for failed similarness and submission, that was a breach (by them)…
It was communicated collectively and consistently to me, that who I was (am) is THE problem. In my 40s, I found a program of recovery to…
Having believed that “I. Am. THE. Problem”– the designated cause for other people’s shame, pain, hostile silence, cruel words, and overall mental health could only be…