This position is uncomfortable and I prefer the other view. Deep Breath. I will get myself up- do the next right thing. Dogs to groomer, serve my…
Author: Magda Gee
Feeling concerned for the fallout of saying NO to the gracious awkward invitation to sit at the table with people who cast me out harshly…
Silence can indeed be a form of grace and peace. However, when it is the requirement or expectation by one party for another to be silent, it…
I have received information- more of the sort which I feel unable to accept or change. I feel knocked down. With two little guys that count on me…
When my boys were 5 and 6 years old, after the successive passing of two acquaintances and our family pet- S2: Why did they die? Me: When our bodies…
Watching DTA in binge fashion, I find myself utterly and madly in love with The Dowager. Her values and poise, I do not relate to–…
A lovely couple, from two doors down, welcomed us to the community with a platter of warm, loving cookies-and have remained consistently kind-hearted, available, and interested. To…
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they ARE NEVER weakness.” Brene Brown I acknowledge, daily–that most people just…
Driving through Compton, my boys, knowing just enough about the area, questioned a billboard boasting, “We love Compton” inside a giant red heart. Baffled, they…
Discovering loyalty, which, fingers crossed, will come bundled with learning to forgive betrayal- is a BIIIIIG part of my journey. Forgiveness is something I struggle to…