+++Love is inconvenient, often difficult. And IT is much more than enjoying, being attached, attracted to or glad for a thing. Love is a verb- evidenced by…
Author: Magda Gee
Today’s rant is a follow up to my previous post regarding systems which do not allow for complex and uncomfortable feelings, having them, safely expressing…
When you go to therapy and the therapist encourages you to implement the technique of I statements, as an effective way to share your needs…
This scene is beyond traumatizing for me. Righteous, evil, coward corruption….insanity. The hiding behind a facade of goodness to do the most monstrous of things,…
My personality was not a good fit for my mother and since she had not ever considered choosing a thing(including me) which could rarely please…
I need daily reminding as I am fast to forget and even quicker to obsess over negative myths and programming. When I am not mindful…
I did it! I enjoyed a happy birthday and am pleased to have now officially wrapped up that part of the year. Sweet Greg gets…
Awwwww— a neeeeeeed to “make people smile”–sounds sweet, wholesome, benevolent. Right? Ummmm… I do not always perceive it that way. Instead, it has felt stressful…because that…
“You are overreacting, out-of-control and crazy. You should just go along with this and be OK with it.” When you are on the recieving end…
October is the beginning of the hardest time of year, for me, the season of my birthday and all of the festivity and expectations for…