Stuff that is important to me

LoveEnjoyNeedMy sonsTattoosSafe SolitudeSweet GregTacosKindnessFavorite(my bff)TiramisuSafe LaughterAnimalsBooksSafe ConnectionThe BeachYardworkReadingOur HomeGood NeighborsSafe DisconnectionSunsetsCarbonated Flavored WaterEmotional HonestyCaliforniaGreat SaladsTrustRecoveryPoke BowlsHealingCourageSushiUnity- a shared purpose VulnerabilityComediesFaith- my spiritual practice/programAuthenticityEstate and Yard SalesExpansive People and PlacesUnapologetic awkwardnessSalvation ArmyResolution…

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July 4

In my family of origin and then later my mirror image marriage, assertive direct voicing of my own need, preference, or boundary was met with either dismissal, (like as if…

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Things Learned

So it seems like juuuuusssst maybe the key to living a peaceful and meaningful existence- is in learning how to recover from difficult people, events, experiences, and feelings…AND not in…

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