Want Sum?

Oh the draining mindfuckery of dealing with someone married to their zero sum fixed mindset.  The boys’ father literally can not feel significant/ almighty unless he percieves that he has rendered…

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Clean MRI

The neuorlogists office called regarding MRI of brain and spine- results of scan: Normal- at least no MS. I will request a second pair of eyes on the scan as…

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So Then

I worried that R would righteously skip the MRI and also not tell me. I checked location services and saw the O was home while W was not and asked…

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Read more about the article December
YOur work is not to change who you are. You are not too much. Word Porn


In the past month:   **My boys' father met a woman, requiring him to stay out late on school nights (past 10 and even 11) leaving my boys home alone, at night…

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