Narcissistic Bullying
As I continually have opportunities to PRACTICE detachment, using my recovery tools and skills, it feels only right to share tips (just the tip-hahaha) for safely negotiating narcissitic bullying, when…
As I continually have opportunities to PRACTICE detachment, using my recovery tools and skills, it feels only right to share tips (just the tip-hahaha) for safely negotiating narcissitic bullying, when…
As a child, everything, for me, became a source of shame, because nothing about our family,home,lives was normal or normalized. It was directly communicated that if no one is feeling…
Oh the draining mindfuckery of dealing with someone married to their zero sum fixed mindset. The boys’ father literally can not feel significant/ almighty unless he percieves that he has rendered…
If I really think about it. …I could not have done anything great enough to earn the gift of Sweet Greg’s love. AND there is not a thing I could…
The neuorlogists office called regarding MRI of brain and spine- results of scan: Normal- at least no MS. I will request a second pair of eyes on the scan as…
I worried that R would righteously skip the MRI and also not tell me. I checked location services and saw the O was home while W was not and asked…
R: I saw my girlfriend last night and she just learned she was exposed to Covid at work yesterday. I have already dropped O off at school I’m not sure…
We live in a nice, cute & safe home, which I can afford. My boys are able bodied and minded and excellent in many ways. They are creative, strong, bright,…
Imagine a struggling child (or really any person) whose parent, in no uncertain terms, communicates how: "Nobody can or wants to relate or even to help build a bridge to…
In the past month: **My boys' father met a woman, requiring him to stay out late on school nights (past 10 and even 11) leaving my boys home alone, at night…